Monday 20 July 2015

Can You Jump Start A Motorcycle With A Car?

Can You Jump Start A Motorcycle With A Car? The quick answer is "yes, you can", however there are some things that you need to take into account before attempting to jump start a motorcycle with a car, else you risk damaging your motorcycle. Critically Important Note: Ensure that you do not start the car engine. If you haven't had practice with how to jump start a motorcycle then also look at the other methods below that can get you back up and riding. Cars have a 12v battery, which will not harm a motorcycle or its battery, however when you start your car engine then you are delivering considerably more than 12v. It is when you are delivering over 12v that can cause damage to the motorcycle. This makes the process of jump starting a motorcycle with a car di
Read more... Can You Jump Start A Motorcycle With A Car?