Saturday 16 June 2012

Motorcycle Chain Maintenance

It is the motorcycle chain that literally keeps the wheels turning. Regular motorcycle chain maintenance including adjustment and lubrication is critical to ensure that your chain lives a long and effective live, as well as being a measure to reduce the chance of any chain slips. In this article there are a few key tasks that we are going to be looking at which can be completed by you, even if you are brand new to motorcycle riding. When your chain is properly adjusted to the correct tension you are ensuring that it has the highest possibility of consistent power delivery, as well as reducing any unnecessary wear on the front and rear sprockets. Related articles (links will open in a new window):

How To Corner On A Motorcycle

How To Corner On A Motorcycle Motorcycle riding is all about corners, well a lot of it is anyway. Anyone can go flying along in a straight line, but hit that first tight corner and you will quickly separate the men from the boys (or women from the girls). In this article on "How to corner on a motorcycle" we will discuss how to get your motorcycle around a corner and what you can do to improve your cornering techniques. Firstly we will start off with the extremely simplistic answer which will be all that many people are after, then we will look into motorcycle cornering techniques in further detail for those who can already ride around a corner, however who want to enhance their methods. If you are brand new and don't yet know how to ride at all, then we suggest to start out with our beginner article on "How To Ride A Motorbike�
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